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King Features Syndicate - The Official Beatles Yellow Submarine Magazine - 1968, The Beatles
[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]//-->THE BEATLES-YESTERDAY, TODAY AND TOMORROW48 PAGES OF BEATLES-YELLOW SUBMARINE PHOTOS()THE BEATLESTomorro-wCopyright~1968 King Features Syndicate and Subafilms, Ltd.Allrights reserved.PublishedjointlybyPyramidPublications, Inc.andKingFeatures Syndicate. Exclusive productionrepresentative,GOPublishingCo.,Inc.esterday. ..Much of a Beatie's lifeIsspent traveling around theworld. In this 1966 shot, George is leaving with histhreebuddies for a tourofGermany and Japan. Atthetime,their"PaperbackWriter"wasNumberOnehereInAmerica.Yesterday really beganin1955.And except forsome chancemeetings,yesterdayforThe Beatlesmightneverhavehappened.Thatyear,inLiver-pooland its twin cityBirkenhead,groupsofyoungmen fromalloverthe areahadgatheredtomakemusic,and,hopefully, money.HighschoolstudentJohn Lennonledagroupknownas "TheQuarrymen." InJune,1956,Johnand the threeotherQuarrymenon guitar,drums,and washboard, wereplayingat a churchparty.Duringtheir break,JohnmetPaul McCartney.Like John, Paul played the guitar."Do you thinkIcouldjoinyourgroup?"Paulasked.John andtheotherQuarrymenlikedtheidea-eventhoughitmeanttheywouldhaveto splittheirsmall earningsfive ways.ButtoJohnandthe others, makingsoundwas more importantthanmakingmoney.So they welcomedPaultothe group.ABOVE: The year is 1966. The worldisat their feet. And theirfans show it innouncertaintermsas they leave London Airportfor a tour of the States. BELOW:JohnLennon bought himselfa car in 1967, and he proved he had an international taste byselectinganltalian·built model with a Chevrolet engine.Onthe othersideof the city, afive-man group,"TheRebels,"were alsodoingtheir thing, atschools,churches, andpubs. Their lineup includedGeorge Harrisonandhisolder brotherPeter. Foralmostthree years,The QuarrymenandTheRebelswenttheirown ways, each grouphopingforthe big breakthatwould lead to money andfame. Butthat big breakneverseemedto come.Inthespringof 1958,The Rebelsbrokeup,andGeorge HarrisonjoinedJohn's Quarrymen.Bythefollowingyear,themonths ofworkwithlittleornorewardhad hurt John'sgroup, too.Oneby one,membersofThe Quarrymen left, untilonlyJohn,Paul,and George remained. Stillhopingtochange theirluck,theytriedvariousnames-Johnnyand theMoondogs,theRainbows,andTheSilverBeatles-and finallystayedwith thename theyliked best: The Silver Beatles.Thentwomembers joined,andThe SilverBeatles receivedanofferto play behindsingerJohnny Gentleon a tour of Scotland.John andthe othersjumpedat the chance.This wasthebreaktheyhad been waiting for. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]