Key'e, Telefon & Palmtop, Palmtopy, Jornada 680, Programy

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Z :AAbsentMinded 1.0s/n: = ABS2QMIN7HEMC5AccessRights Pro v2.0.0.2 S/N: = acc2002riproACDSee 2003-1-22S/N: = 015 103 208 967 710 641Action Names 2.05 s/n: = A#EJC-Y30AL-30&Z4-PILOTGEARActioneer 1.10 S/N: = xqpr-7kcf-j8lhActivation Key s/n: = A847-3D80KKQCCE7FAddress Beam 1.0 Name = Registered UserS/N: = 227-882-415ALL APPLIAN Software: SIBQ940542227N1-1086 (Thanks Gadget)Activation Key: s/n : A847-3D80KKQCCE7FAllTime 2.0 Serial for iambic Reports 1.04 s/n= iambi-c.eng-ineer-ing.corpsART smARTwriter PLUS Name: Al Sejcek number: 5556405976799029ArtSKey 1.1 : Name : Pdazone Pdazone s/n: 7695575996874629AIDEM Photo Explorer v1.52 S/N: = 04-E0-06AE-057BAIDEM Brain Stadium v1.00 S/N: = 0777-0868-052FAIDEM WinceZip v1.00 S/N: = 0674-07bb-0329AIDEM File Explorer v2.0 S/N: = 0818-08d3-0671AIDEM Power Converter v1.00 S/N: = 0892-0925-0765AIDEM Talking Calculator v1.20S/N: = 085A-08FF-06F4AIDEM Majong Academy v1.00 S/N: = 0778-0868-0530AIDEM Majong Paradise v1.00 S/N: = 07b2-088f-05a5AIDEM Pocket Piano Pro v1.00 S/N: = 07C7-089D-05CEAIDEM WinceZip v1.00 S/N: = 0674-07bb-0329Agenda Plus 0.92.2 Name = Registered UserCode = 4473684Agendafusion 5UserID: av@ars.bzCode = 114 573 554 807Age of Empires Gold Editions/n: = CB0MX0DU09IWALL APPLIAN Software: S/N: = SIBQ940542227N1-1086All In One V2Code = reg2861AllTime 2.0 Serial for iambic Reports 1.04 s/n: = iambi-c.eng-ineer-ing.corpsAlter Net 1.00Code = #W81206152Amazing Games Chopper Alley Name: \"rattanon chp\" S/N: = 4262516AnaeLog 1.77Name = Registered UserCode = 12666AnthelionCode = 2b9d37c0-f735b861-36c00aceAnsyr Primer Name = ANSYR CUSTOMERV23 S/N: = EDE9-YRMU-CM4Z-KSAEAnsyr Primer 3.1 Serial: EZ3DXN0W53HQ License: 6HSQSSSYHZH3JHMNB8U11Aportis Mobile DOC 2.1 s/n: = D6456021Applian ThemeDream 2.0 S/N: = RTDL1001324960NE-1152Applian ThemeDream 3.0S/N: = SIB10284323770A-1041Applian Virtual Wallet 4S/N: = RVW940542127N1-1037Applian Remind Me 1.01S/N: = REMP940542127N1-1090Applian RemindMe 1.1S/N: = REM940542127N1-1010Applian RemindMe 2S/N: = SIBQ940542227N1-1086Applian PocketLock PLUS 1.3S/N: = RPL971167832N1-1030Applian Picture PerfectS/N: = RPPP940542127N1-1104Applian Picture Perfect 5.01S/N: = RPQU988070576N1G-1197Applian Dial-A-Matic 3.11S/N: = RDM940542127N1-1024Art Cabinet 2.4 Name = Registered UserCode = 172343440CART smARTwriter PLUS Name: Al Sejcek S/N: = 5556405976799029ArtSKey 1.1 Name: Pdazone Pdazone S/N: = 7695575996874629Assistant 1.98Name = Registered UserCode = 7URE=2a9D12@rAsteroid 2.0Code = astdala12AstroWorld NumerologyName: PDAnet s/n: = 366-7173939051ENPA2zDrugsT (A to Z Drug Facts) S/N: = YEUYQO75LMBKABCLabDataT (Interpretive Laboratory Data, 4th) S/N: = F5Z4IPZJO8KKAnesthesiaDrugsT (Anesthesia Drugs Handbook) S/N: = C5I79O75KKFKBBackgammon v1.0 Name: bob bob S/N: = 4455706966771929Backgammon v1.01 Name: w w S/N: = 0255501956775629Backgammon V3Code = abdfsBacklite + Plus V3Name = Registered User Code = 100748Bartender PRO v4.0 S/N: = 93876432Basic Signal Processing Reference 2002 v1.0 S/N: = SIG8-LIM5-FNPLBattery Monitor 2.0 Reg: = KEY57496213Bank Plus 1.00Code = 678249Bejeweled Name: = CAROLINE PIVENs/n: = 49HWD-TGCW7-2KAXE-DQTLDBEssential Util. v1.0 S/N: = 040-740020BFAX Pro S/N: = 040-740020BFM Casino v2.0 F.Name:WinCE, In:W, L.Name: Man S/N: = 2861Biorhythms 1.2bName = Registered User Code = 2355-8836-400013Billiard MasterCode = 45902391784199735086BlackJack5 1.00Name = Registered User Code = E65X0GP-D04Z1PLBlobs 1.00Name = Registered User Code = 10EDB6B1A9BMobile News 3.0 S/N: = 015-056699BMOBILE Chat: s/n: = 040-740020BnK HTML Edit 2.12 s/n: = #DESFAV45-411Bolts & Nuts s/n: = E664B739B51DDE15Book Cabinet 2.4Name = Registered User Code = 172343440CBow and Arrow 1.0s/n: = PAR5LBOW62SXT4BoXiKoN v1.0.9c s/n: = H2E36WN9MYBPRINT S/N: = 040-740020BProductive S/N: = 040-740020BricksName = Registered Version Code = 3FA36E73FCBrainForest Mobile 2.1 s/n: = B8492448Brain Stadium 1.00s/n: = 0777-0868-052FBSquare BFax Pro V5.0 S/N: = BFP-100026-4682-IENBSquare bMobile News 3 S/N: = 015-056699BSquare chat S/N: = 040-740020BSquare SpreadSheet S/N: = BSS-010032-7821-PENBubblet 1.0 S/N: = af100523 / PDAZoneBugLord v1.0 S/N: = 123UH4FARYDIDITJBugMe 2.61 S/N: = europaBugme CE v3.1 S/N: = 01291626BugMe! 3.9 Beta Reg: = 7832-9100-4732-1607BUseful Utilities v1.1 S/N: = 040-740020BUseful Utilities v1.1 S/N: = BUP-000135-1387-HENBUseful Utilities v2.0 S/N: = BUP-001013-9199-IENBusiness Warior 2.0Name = Registered User Code = 160512Business 5 1.0b Name = Registered User Code = 240652Bust\'em v1.04: s/n: = FPEWPFN7P7PFANCTFLBusy View 2.20Name = Registered User Code = 70125904BnK HTML Edit 2.12 s/n : #DESFAV45-411Bsquare SpreadSheet (?) : s/n : BSS-010032-7821-PENbsquare chat : s/n : 040-740020bMOBILE Chat: s/n : 040-740020bPRINT: 040-740020bESSENTIAL Utilities v1.0 : s/n: 040-740020bUSEFUL Utilities v1.1 : s/n: BUP-000135-1387-HEN (works)bUSEFUL Utilities V2.0 : s/n: BUP-001013-9199-IEN (works)bFAX Pro : s/n: 040-740020BSquare BFax Pro V5.0 : s/n BFP-100026-4682-IEN (works)bMobile News 3.0: s/n: 015-056699Backgammon v1.0 : Name: bob bob s/n: 4455706966771929Backgammon v1.01 : Name : w w Serial Number : 0255501956775629BFM Casino v2.0 : FirstName: WinCE Initial: W LastName: Man s/n: 2861Bubblet 1.0 : af100523 , Any username will work (works)Bubblet 1.1.0 for Pocket PC : af100523Bugme CE v3.1 : s/n: 01291626BartlettHIVT (Patients With HIV Infection, 10th) S/N: = WYNI5QZBQPQKBartlettIDT (Infectious Disease Therapy, 11th) S/N: = XA8G5QZBQQQKCCalcyForce Name = Al Sejcek S/N: = 9850867979976025CalcyForce Name = dsfdsg s/n: = 9850867979976025CallCalc 1.0Name = Registered User Code = 3675375Calligrapher 7Code = CGR714-3431302379Calorie Watch 2.0Name = Registered User Code = 266-592-836Cambridge vxWeb Name = Albert Wdowiak S/N: = 62883413Caribbean Poker Name = AlSejcek S/N: = 4487766966791929Caribbean Poker Name = Pdazone pdazone S/N: = 8685565996794629Casino Pack Iname = Pdazone Pdazone s/n: = 7657595996894629Castle 2Name = Registered Version Code = 43DF5F7386Castle III 1.00Name = Registered User Code = FA3A6B73DCaterpillar V1Name = Registered User Code = agrm1869CEBall v1.0 S/N: = JCB10-000AAD-0003CECraft iGolf v1.04: S/N: = TS45XW44U410-1200231-0001002Cellular Phone and Network Connection Monitor 2.0 S/N: = KEY68124937CETUNER: s/n: = EN40-105708195-04669CIH S/N: = 277-4571-1649Chain Reaction 1.1Name = Registered User Code = 12ECB0B985Chart Note 2.00 Name = Registered User Code = 90683305CheckList 1.3 s/n: = vigourChem Tools 2.4 Name = Registered User Code = ZYHQJVUILPChess Name = bobbob S/N: = 4455786966771929ChessGenius 1.2 Name: Ozark Electronics Repair Inc Key: 5021472Chinese Checkers v1.2 S/N: = 24680Choper Alley Collection 1.52 Reg: = 507370369 or 628321269Chopper AlleyName = rattanon chp s/n: = 4262516Christopher Han S/N: = 17438-946868365-21019-9Clear Bombs S/N: = 06DD-0801-03FAClear BombsS/N: = 04E0-06AE-0559Clear BombsS/N: = 04E0-06AE-057BClear speed - hp1910 S/N: = gfnfjeClearvue suite 2.02 all S/N: = WESTTEK8191996ClearVue 2.12 (+) S/N: = 25HA1103V0006WCNetX Flash FormatS/N: = CBHSK QY3ME Q76BR WZ98FCNetx Pocket SlideShow S/N: = BPH9U EN3QM JKGA9 LTUUOCodRiver 1.10Name = Registered User Code = XMESKWColumns 1.00Name = Registered User Code = E20V4KTOCommandCE S/N: = 112000763 or BUP-000135-1387-HENConcept! 1.4Name = Registered User Code = 8910CONDUITS POCKETARTIST 2.5 Owner Name : Tocky.Cui Generated 5 digits : 06459 Reg ?ode : 29760-155353262-32756-1Conduits PocketArtist User Name: andy poes Serial Number: 59295-884650791-21019-9Contact Manager 4.00Name = Registered User Code = 601988Contact!Name = Registered User Code = IQ@NAa?LBJP2@M9E;s;:987m654325Conversions in hand 1.25 S/N: = 277-4571-1649Conversions In Hand 2.8 S/N: = 277-4571-1649CoolCalc v3.0 S/N: = RCCP940542127N1-1078CoolCalc 3.15 S/N: = RCKP940542127N1-1086CrackShot 0.8bName = Registered User Code = 2220Cribbage 1.1 Name = Registered User Code = 20292Crossword 0.99Name = Registered User Code = 33249643Crossword Pack v1.0 S/N: = 120-2152021016-04Crusoe CrosswordS/N: = V9NQN-0VE5R-UXROE-54BFI-WLHNCCTimer 5.1bName = Registered User Code = 2330112CalcyForce :Name:dsfdsg s/n: 9850867979976025CaribbeanPoker :Name:AlSejcek s/n:4487766966791929Caribbenpoker : Name Pdazone pdazone s/n:8685565996794629CEBall: v1.0 only : s/n:JCB10-000AAD-0003CHECKLIST 1.3 : s/n: vigourChess :Name:bobbob s/n:4455786966771929CHINESE CHECKERS v1.2 : s/n: 24680Christopher Han : s/n: 17438-946868365-21019-9CIH : 277-4571-1649Conversions in hand 1.25 : 277-4571-1649CommandCE :s/n:112000763 or s/n: BUP-000135-1387-HENCoolCalc 3.0 : RCCP940542127N1-1078CrosswordPackv1 : *s/n:120-2152021016-04CETUNER: EN40-105708195-04669CCP (Chief Complaints in Pediatrics) S/N: = WVFTXTZJNPMKCecilPktT (Pocket Companion to Cecil Textbook of Medicine) S/N: = AP8P5P75KVEKCHK-Dermatology (Chec... 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