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KingWarriorMagicianLover, SDev
[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]The King, Warrior, Magician, and Lover in theOpposite Sex:How to Instantly Recognize Your One True Life PartnerByPaul Dobransky, M.D.1777 Larimer St. #511Denver, CO 80202Copyright, 1999 Paul Dobransky, M.D.TM, 1999, Paul Dobransky, M.D.Mind OS, the Operating System of the Human Mind, TM 2004,Copyright 1999, Paul Dobransky M.D.All Rights ReservedNo unauthorized reproduction, sale, use, or incorporation into other material,seminars, CD, DVD, tape, or other media in part or in whole is permitted without theexpress written consent of Paul Dobransky M.D. Use limited to private use whenpermitted by Paul Dobransky, M.D.Inquiries 720.201.6180 or paul@doctorpaul.netwww.doctorpaul.net???How to get all the women you could ever want...???Dear Friend,Have you ever been?????? Fed up with trying to pick up women in bars and clubs???? Disappointed in the morning when you realize the woman youbrought home was really ugly!???? Embarrassed to find that the women you???re after have boyfriends???? Embarrassed to even talk to girls in public???? Afraid that girls might reject you???? Ashamed of failing in front of your friends?I have the solution for you???American SinglesThis is a discreet service that can match you up with potential girlfriends.Why this is so much better than traditional methods?????? You KNOW that they want to go out with you??? You can see how attractive they are??? It is embarrassment free!??? It is SOOOO easy!??? There is no fear of rejection!I???ve met scores of women through Friend Finder and I really reallyrecommend it to you. CLICK HERE for American SinglesGood luck guys,Dave22TABLE OF CONTENTSForeword?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????.????????????..1PART I: The Most Useful Story You???ll Ever HearChapter 1 The King, Warrior, Magician, and Lover???..???????????????????????????..7Chapter 2 Finding Your Temperament????????????..?????????.??????????????????..???...15Chapter 3 Assessing Your Challenges in Personal Growth.??????.???????????????...21Chapter 4 Wholeness of Personality: How to Find Psychological Integration???24PART II: The Most Powerful Story You???ll Ever LiveChapter 5 Opposites Not Only Attract, They Complete????????????????????????.???.26Chapter 6 Reading the Temperament of the Opposite Sex, Your Partners,Opponents, Competitors, and Friends.????????????????????????????????????29Chapter 7 A Perfect Team, Perfect Mastermind Group,and Perfect Marriage???........................................................................33Chapter 8 Final Advice: Choose Wisely in the First Three Seconds????????????..4333ForewordThis is the most powerful story for romance, business, and social power you willever read. It is a concept so easy to understand and practice in your everyday life thatyou will kick yourself for never realizing it. And this story must be read symbolically,looking for hidden meanings in order to fully grasp its power.If I am offering you a massive and powerful psychological secret here???one thatabove all others will make your life more powerful for the rest of your life???then why isthis book so short for even this modest price? Simple. The ideas you are about toencounter are definable as elegant.In science, the term ???elegant??? does not mean ???stylish??? or ???expensive??? as in thefashion industry. It means ???complex and useful ideas conveyed in the simplest, practicalform???. Just because an idea is elegant and easy to grasp does not mean that it is simple.To the contrary. Do you find that Windows Operating System on a computer is easy touse? Certainly. But is it ???simple???? NO! Underneath the pretty colors and mouseclicksand graphics there is incredibly complex ???machine code??? that only a software engineerwould understand. Windows OS is scientifically ???elegant???.What makes a concept elegant is the accurate use of symbolism. Consider what asymbol is. Really, stop and think right now??? What is a ???symbol???? It is an easy tounderstand idea, shape, graphic or even a single word that represents a multitude of othercharacteristics. It is an economical way to communicate thousands or millions of ideas toothers in a quick easy way.44A common positive example is the Christian cross. The cross does not onlyrepresent the crucifixion of Jesus, but ALL the teachings of his life you have read in theBible, ALL the teachings and words he said. It represents the promise of eternal life forChristians and the exact instructions and pathways to that eternal life. What animpressive symbol, taking up barely a centimeter on a page, but communicating volumesand lifetimes of instruction and meaning! And what emotion it carries.A negative example of a symbol is the Nazi swastika. The Swastika representsthe evil teachings of a single man, Hitler, which spread through an evil empire thatalmost took over the entire world. It represents the suffering of millions upon millionswho struggled or died fighting that evil, and is a reminder to all the world and to wholecultures the perils of mindlessly following a dictator. What volumes of instruction onevil are contained in that simple symbol. What emotion it evokes toward the darkesthuman negative.In this brief but powerful work, we can understand how to instantly understandthe basic nature of other people we encounter, what they are likely to prefer in life, whatmethods THEY use to navigate life, and how they are likely to get along or not get alongwith US.Karl Jung, the psychoanalyst successor to Freud first described four componentsto the mature masculine nature of men. Since Jung???s work was about looking to thesymbolic in human psychology, he chose four symbols representing masculinity inmedieval times???the King, the Warrior, the Magician, and the Lover, or Poet.55No tool could be more useful than a collection of ALL POSSIBLE components ofthe core of human nature. Now you have likely heard of the Myers-Briggs Personality orType Indicator from job trainings or surveys you have taken. You may also have heardof the Keirsey test which is in the same vein of human personality assessment.What you are about to learn is far more. For the MBTI and Keirsey tests takeJungian Psychology and assume that these personality features are UNCHANGABLEand last our lifetimes. In effect, human beings are DOOMED to remain stuck in the sametype of personality.I don???t believe that, and many psychoanalysts don???t. If you look at the originalideas of Freud, Jung, and the successors to them in the form of all the therapy schoolsthat exist today, there is a way to synthesize them together into one model. You mayeven find that these psychological ideas are perfectly in tune with those of the world???smajor religions. They are all instruction on what is called ???character growth???, orPersonal Growth.We are all born into what is called a Temperament, and THAT is what we arestuck with for life. Jung postulated the King, the Warrior, the Magician, and the Lover,as four possible Temperaments that compose us. But psychoanalysts also know thathuman beings are capable of growth, (or else their profession would not even exist).66We are born with a temperament, but charged in life with growing a maturepersonality around that temperament. At any stage in life we can ???refuse the call??? asJoseph Campbell once called it. We can become emotionally and intellectually arrestedand stop growing for a time. Regardless, if we are to achieve the highest potential we arecapable of, if we are to find true fulfillment in life, love, business, or any otherworthwhile endeavor, we will have to take that one temperament we were born into andacquire the skills of THE OTHER THREE TEMPERAMENTS we are missing. Thisvery process is called psychological integration.My aim in this book is to show you how necessary and joyful it is to have othersinvolved in our personal growth process and us to be involved in theirs. Whether inbusiness, friendship or that thing we call love, this is the magic???this is the SPARK ofhuman relationships. As has been said in every well-loved romantic comedy, in one wayor another, we can find it inescapable to say to those we respect and love, ???You completeme. You complete me.???77PART I: The Most Useful Story You???ll Ever HearChapter 1 The King, Warrior, Magician, and LoverOnce upon a time there was a land in chaos, full of much war and strife, andconfusion, starvation, disease, and unhappiness.There in that land lived in widely distant borders, a King with no people to lead orgovern, a Warrior with no people to protect or serve, a Magician with no people toentertain with tricks or discover new magic for, and a Lover, a Poet, for whom there wasno one to write stories for, or nurture with songs and hugs. Even as all the population inthe middle lands suffered, the four were very lonely out at the borders of their land, eachsolitary and starving for a real life and sense of belonging.Now what made the King, a King was not having a people to lead, but having abasic nature of being very wise, thoughtful and patient, a natural born nurturing teacher, aproblem-solver, an astute director of others. A King is nurturing, and logical, or ???left-brained???.What made a Warrior, a Warrior was not having a people to protect and serve, buthaving a basic nat... [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]